Saturday, November 8, 2008


I have lots to do, as usual.  I need to write a cover letter for Google, which freaks me out.  I’m seriously scared of screwing up.  I also need to take some sort of test thing for Bloomberg, which I’m really nervous about as well.  I feel a bout of Imposter Syndrome coming on, which is bad, but I have no doubt it’ll pass.

But I didn’t actually want to write about all that I have to do, although I find it endlessly entertaining.  I’ve noticed that in there is a lot of stuff about vampires in pop culture lately.  There is that show on HBO, a movie coming out that is based on a best-selling book, and I’ve seen tons of romance novels about vampires.  I’ve read one book about vampires and that’s Dracula by Bram Stoker.  Overall, vampires seem pretty bad with the whole sucking blood and turning people into vampires.  Main idea: bad.  But with all this new media surrounding vampires, I feel I may misjudged them.  Is it possible to stereotype something that doesn’t exist?

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I haven’t written anything in a long time.  I feel really guilty about that.  I like writing about stupid and mundane things that happen to me.  Sometimes it just helps me sort stuff out.

Unfortunately, like everyone else in this world, I’ve been very busy and preoccupied.  I miss writing about stuff since I felt like sometimes I would discover patterns in my behavior that or some absolute truth about how I am.  That was always nice.  Right now I don’t know myself that well anymore.

I’d like to try writing more in the near future.  Even though a recent Wired article says blogs are dead.  Who cares? Not me!

The other day I made my desktop black and white.  I like it a lot. Although it’s dark, I might add in some red.  I just remembered I have a great icon set that I might be able to use!