I think I've come to conclusion that I'm not actually a very good student. I've decided this because I could be a lot better. I suppose I'll try to pay attention in class more and maybe that will help! After that I just have to get all my schedule figured out with when I'm supposed to study and do homework. I don't like homework taking over my life, makes me angry. Hold on, I'm really hungry and need to go eat breakfast...
...Later that evening...
Since this is my blog, I get to bitch on it all I want. That's nice because I'm pretty sure my friends get tired of it. I am exhausted. I am also unsure of how I am going to get through the day tomorrow. I suppose I could make a quick list of everything I have to do/worry about.
To Do/Worry
- Compilers project 2
- Spanish Reading & Grammar composition
- Spanish Reading & Grammar homework
- Spanish Conversation & Phonetics homework
- Car insurance/lawyer/medical bills
- Lockheed Martin (call back)
- Resume (update)
- Fix printer network
- Make packing list
- Prepare for Graphics test
- Prepare for Compilers test
- Prepare for Spanish Reading & Grammar test
If anyone has any survival tips, they are more than welcome!