Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I attempted to buy a planner today; that failed miserably.  I know exactly what I want out of a planner and how I'd like it laid out.  In fact, I even found the perfect one, but it was for 2009 and not 2008.  I don't understand why planners for 2009 are being sold with 4 months left in 2008.  I'd like the Moleskine Weekly Planner (horizontal).  I don't like the one that's combined with a notebook because the entire week is only one page with lines on the other side.  One page is not enough space for me to plan my week.  I'd really like to have a soft cover planner, but I think the one I want only comes in a hard cover.  I'm most certainly willing to give on this point for the correct lay out (and year)!  I'm thinking I could get a Moleskine for 2009 and until then use a small pocket calendar.  The problem with this is that I make lists.  Lots of lists.  On post-it notes.  The post-it notes go in the planner where I look everyday.  This means the planner has to be bigger and a couple of post-it notes.

I just don't want to use the planner I had last year.  For one, I'd like a slimmer planner.  For another, there are some sketchy memories associated with that planner and I don't want them to surface every time I check my schedule.  Plus, Bryan's number is still in the back of the planner and I don't want to be toting that around with me.  I'm afraid I would be tempted to call it.  I almost called him twice this summer.  That would have been horrid.  I did email him a funny youtube video I thought he would like.  It was of Frank Caliendo, we used to watch him a lot.  He wrote back a short "Thank you" email.  His signature said M.S.  I can't remember what topic.  This weird feeling of rage boiled up inside of me, so I think it would be best to put the planner away.  I'm not as angry as I was, but sometimes I get real touchy about it.  I still can't listen to the Finger 11 song.  And I actually liked that song too.  There's this hot, boiling feeling in my chest when I think about it.  It truly feels like the temperature rises in my chest.  Not very comfortable.  Oh well.  At least I don't get these angry feelings about Nick.  Thankfully he proved that he is too stupid to waste any sort of feeling on other than pure pity for such foolishness.  Haha.  Laughing out loud (really).

I'm going to go make a to-do list on some post-its for tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll get half of the stuff done.  Hopefully.

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