Today I’ll be headed to Canberra. The plane leaves at 14:00 (2 pm for whoever doesn’t know how a 24-hour clock works). Since Deb was going to have a very busy day at work doing enrollments, she wasn’t going to have time to pick me up at home. So, I went to work with her! I’m in her office right now after exploring the campus just a little bit.

I had brekky at an on-campus cafe very close to Deb’s building. Above is one of the views from inside. It’s an extremely beautiful day, so a short walk seemed very much in order. While walking to the bookstore, I noticed a fabulous plumeria tree and proceeded to take some pictures. The thing I love about warm places is the flowers!

I made it to the bookstore, perused the selection, found a lovely book on the history of shoes, and decided Australia has much better day planners than the States. I’ve loved every single planner I’ve looked at with the exception of two. One because it only showed four days at a time, which is very difficult to work with and I can’t remember the reason I didn’t like the other one.
Anyway, we have a 40 minute stop at the Adelaide airport, so that should be exciting and I’ll be in Canberra, the capital city, around 21:10 (once again, for those who can’t figure out the 24-hour clock, that’s 9:10 pm).
I’m currently in Adelaide. I’m sitting in the Qantas Club. Deb lives large and she can have guests! It turns out you can pay a membership fee for the club and it is well worth it! Food, wireless, drinks, printers, showers, great chairs. It’s pretty sweet. I feel so…famous and chic!
I’m also uploading photos to Flickr, so check those out
I also got a stuffed animal Koala. It needs a name. Help me out
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