Thursday, April 23, 2009

Team MangoBunnies and the Imagine Cup

Every year, Microsoft sponsors a technology competition for students called the Imagine Cup.  Participants are asked to solve some of the world's toughest problems with technology.  This year's theme is the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Two of my friends, Ashley Myers and Malisa Vongksul, and I decided to enter the Software Design competition.  We've advanced to the U.S. Finals!  Team MangoBunnies, that's our team name, is the first all-female team to advance to the U.S. Finals.  We're so excited to compete in Cambridge, MA.  In the U.S., 125 schools entered and only 15 advanced to the final!

For our project, we're addressing the Millennium Goal of Combating HIV/AIDS.  We're using mobile technology to create an alarm to remind patients to take their medication.  Our project is called CAMRA which stands for Computer-Assisted Medication Regimen Adherence.

This year, Microsoft is having a People's Choice Award.  Everyone can vote on projects for the award.  Team MangoBunnies would love your support!  Voting is open until April 30th at 11:59 PST and you can vote once per day!  To vote:

  1. Go to the site:
  2. Download Silverlight.  It's a very light application with a 10-second install.
  3. Vote for Team MangoBunnies!  The thumbnail is a little blurry, so it's a picture of three women, two in black shirts and one bright blue!
  4. Tell all your friends!

We've also been featured in a blog post!  Check it out here!  If you'd like to keep up with news about the Imagine Cup, it looks like the Virtual Pressroom will be kept updated.


Team MangoBunnies (Malisa, Ashley, and me) thank you for your support!!

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