Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I set up Wordpress on my site today and I imported all of this blog. From now on, I’ll be updating my blog on my site, http://www.creepyed.com!
So please check it out and I’ll see you there!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I set up Wordpress on my site today and I imported all of this blog. From now on, I’ll be updating my blog on my site, http://www.creepyed.com!
So please check it out and I’ll see you there!
It’s back to school time…on tv, in stores, at work. There’s this Wal-Mart commercial that features parents moving their children into a dorm room. Somehow, they have completely out-fitted the dorm room with stuff from Wal-Mart. This made me think of two things.
It’s so odd to not be going back to school, especially when it’s everywhere! I think I’m glad to finished with my undergraduate degree and in the real world. Although, it’s true that the grass is always greener on the other side! Now I want to be able to make my own schedule again so I can do my work between the hours of noon and 3 am. Of course when I was in school all I wanted was to work during the day and come home at night to my fabulous extra-curricular activities, many of which I have yet to establish. Now the only choice I have left is graduate school, which will consist of the worst of both worlds. Someday I will be ready for it, but not quite!
I forgot to mention, I just saw this post at Lifehacker about How to Work a Crowd. It’s an Ignite Talk, which means it’s awesome. OK, really it means that the speaker talks about something he/she is passionate about. He/she has 5 minutes and is limited to 20 PowerPoint slides which advance every 15 seconds. These talks are the coolest thing! I watched one about Legos that someone recommended to me. Anyway, check out this video because it has some awesome tips!
I LOVE salsa. Absolutely love it! Had you asked me earlier in the day, I might have said I love salsa. Notice the difference? The first one is all caps. I know, I know, I’m subtle. Let’s talk about my salsa life for a post. On Thursday, I went to La Rumba in downtown Denver. It was super fun! It was my first time out dancing in Denver and I met some nice people and some great dancers. I had heard about a place called Fusion for Friday, but when I looked it up online, I couldn’t find it! The only description I could find was Downtown Denver, which didn’t exactly help me out. I looked up some other places to go on Friday and I went to Opal Restaurant and Blue Ice. Both were supremely lame. I was wholly unimpressed. On Saturday night, I returned to La Rumba because I heard there was a live band on Saturdays. Unfortunately, Saturdays are not like Thursdays. Again, I was salsa disappointed. On Thursday, I had heard from more than one person that the place to be on Sunday night was a club on the north side called DNote. So, tonight I went and checked it out. It was amazing and so much fun! I should be in bed or taking a shower so I can get into bed, but my night was so awesome that I had to share it with you, loyal reader! I saw a couple of people that I saw on Thursday and I really like those people! Plus, it made me feel like I have friends, here, in Denver. Isn’t that exciting?!? One is a man I met on Thursday, who DJs part-time and he introduced me to a dancer who introduced me to another fun dancer tonight! I’m salsa networking, this is fabulous!! And I met a woman who just moved here too! Although she moved from Salt Lake, not quite as far as Indiana, but still, super, right?
I just needed to express how happy I am that tonight was a good night and that I saw people I know which gave me warm fuzzies. *Sigh*
This week was my first three day weekend. It has been great! Thursday night I went out salsa dancing at La Rumba. *Sigh* I love to dance! So far, Denver has a pretty good scene.
Today was the Aflac Iron Girl 5K. I got up early and went for a 3.1 mile run. And I ran the whole thing, which was my goal! Any sort of training was derailed be traveling and conferences, so I wasn’t sure if I would last 3.1 miles at all. But it was really fun (ok, maybe not at mile marker 2.3) and if you get a chance to do an Iron Girl event, I would highly recommend it! I’ll post pictures of all the stuff I got from it soon. I got to meet up with Karen again. I met Karen at the Pre-Race Clinic on Thursday evening at the Boulder Running Company in Littleton. As it turns out, she does triathlons. I would love to do a triathlon (you know, one of those life dreams), which I told her, and it looks I might start training for one! Although I don’t which one, but that can determined later. Apparently there’s talk of Iron Girl doing a tri in Denver, so that would be pretty cool.
This afternoon, I went to see Julie & Julia. It was quite fun! Of course, after watching that, I’m even more aware that my kitchen is in complete disarray and that I haven’t cooked anything in months. The closest I’ve come to cooking something is boiling raviolis and steaming frozen peas. I guess I just don’t understand how people have full-time jobs and then come home and cook an elaborate meal. Perhaps they are super-organized, which I am not. Who knows?
As an after thought, I’m experimenting with tags, so please be patient while I figure it out since it’s not really easy in Live Writer. I wonder when it will come out of Beta…
I'm Ed. This is my blog. These are my thoughts.