This week was my first three day weekend. It has been great! Thursday night I went out salsa dancing at La Rumba. *Sigh* I love to dance! So far, Denver has a pretty good scene.
Today was the Aflac Iron Girl 5K. I got up early and went for a 3.1 mile run. And I ran the whole thing, which was my goal! Any sort of training was derailed be traveling and conferences, so I wasn’t sure if I would last 3.1 miles at all. But it was really fun (ok, maybe not at mile marker 2.3) and if you get a chance to do an Iron Girl event, I would highly recommend it! I’ll post pictures of all the stuff I got from it soon. I got to meet up with Karen again. I met Karen at the Pre-Race Clinic on Thursday evening at the Boulder Running Company in Littleton. As it turns out, she does triathlons. I would love to do a triathlon (you know, one of those life dreams), which I told her, and it looks I might start training for one! Although I don’t which one, but that can determined later. Apparently there’s talk of Iron Girl doing a tri in Denver, so that would be pretty cool.
This afternoon, I went to see Julie & Julia. It was quite fun! Of course, after watching that, I’m even more aware that my kitchen is in complete disarray and that I haven’t cooked anything in months. The closest I’ve come to cooking something is boiling raviolis and steaming frozen peas. I guess I just don’t understand how people have full-time jobs and then come home and cook an elaborate meal. Perhaps they are super-organized, which I am not. Who knows?
As an after thought, I’m experimenting with tags, so please be patient while I figure it out since it’s not really easy in Live Writer. I wonder when it will come out of Beta…
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