So yesterday I did go to the game! The Boilers won!! They played a really great first half, but second half they just fell apart. It was sort of painful, they didn't run offensive plays, even the defense was a little sketch. Not that the officials were of any help what-so-ever.
I had my ITAP Performance Evaluation today with Aleka. That was all but fun. I don't think it will be as bad as last time. When I say bad, it was 18/20, so not terrible. I tried to be more professional. Alicia was a good rotation host, she didn't try to be really casual with us and then pull out the professionalism card. Aleka and I talked about the lack of time and project management that occurred on the team, but I felt it a little redundant. I had already covered that topic in my Learning Journal and at the Team Meeting on Tuesday. Oh well.
Hopefully practice won't be bad tonight. I have a feeling I'll be up pretty late. I'm actually rather excited to put together my wine presentation. I hope it goes well.
I got an e-mail today from Dave...they did my senior pictures. We order a linen book of me, but hadn't gotten around to finalizing the pages. He's putting the pictures back on the web, there were a couple pages I had problems with. But, this is going to be the last page...isn't it cute?

Random Thoughts for the Day:
- Lipgloss
- Naps
- Thoroughly Modern Millie
- Spanish
- Fountains
That's all for now...Have a day!
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