Song: C-C-C-Cinnamon Lips
Artist: OK Go
Album: OK Go
Still in Seattle. In Monica's house meeting with a property manager. Dog is cute...see picture for more proof of this

So today I talked to one of my suitemates. It was nice. I thought she didn't like me, which is stll totally possible. But it did make me feel better that it was her who started the conversation. She and her boyfriend just celebrated their 6 month anniversary and they went to a fondue restaurant. It sounded so cute!!
For Christmas, my cousins got new cell phones. They were on them non-stop. It was crazy. It made them look really popular, but at the same time, I was so glad I'm not like that. At least I don't think I am.
I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the IMAX theater at the Pacific Science Center. Let me tell you, it was awesome!! Yesterday I saw The Chronicles of Narnia at the Cinerama. It was pretty cool as well. I love going to movies at nice big theaters. There aren't any places like that in West Lafayette. The best you get is Wabash 9, which isn't that bad. Oh well...I could go for some Starbucks.
Random Thoughts:
- Digital Cameras
- Bad Renters
- Insomnia
- Yard Work
Listening To:
Song: Traffic In The Sky
Artist: Jack Johnson
Album: On and On
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