Saturday, May 17, 2008


Suprisingly, I'm still alive. I need to call Haley tomorrow. I haven't talked to her in over a week and it's killing me!! She's so good about calling me because I'm awful at it. I got a bed today!! Queen size. I'm so pumped! It's being delivered in Indy next week. My mom didn't want to lose any of the beds in the house. My room is the second guest room. I guess it actually does come in handy. Weird. Suddenly my parents host all these people. Oh well.

Still grappling with ugly endings. I'm attempting to remember things as a learning experience. I read last month's MarieClaire today. Tina Fey has this marvelous quote about waiting until guys learn the what the hell they're supposed to be doing. I naturally ripped it out and I will probably be putting it somewhere prominent in my life, like in my planner.

Haven't broken down yet, which I guess is really good!! I think just being home and not having school and academic pressures helped a lot. At this moment I'm really tired and I'm going to go to bed. My ass hurts from a spinning class. Fucking bike seats, so uncomfortable!

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