Friday, August 15, 2008

Using the Power of Scent

My previous post speaks to the power of scent.  Even though we can try to fight it, the memories that are associated with a certain scent are so engrained into our subconscious that it is truly difficult to fight them.  I'm waiting for technology to come out that will decide what memory comes flowing back to you.  Maybe the technology already exists and it's not available to the general public.  Either way, I'm just waiting for it to be released with some perfume.  Somehow embedded in the perfume will be trigger that will tell you brain what memory to experience.  The memory will be pre-planned and it will put you in the memory as the main character, since after all, it's your memory.

I think that would be awesome!  It would be like hypnosis (I just finished watching Alias) except that deep hidden memory doesn't actually have to be something you have previously experienced!

Of course this technology could be used for good or evil.  It can be used for good in situations like perfume or to trigger a certain emotion (like a scented pick-me-up).  It could, unfortunately, be used for evil in the situation like Batman Beyond; suddenly everyone starts seeing terrible visions and mass panic spreads through the world.  That would be bad.

Still, cool technology that I want to use someday.

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