Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I think I've come to conclusion that I'm not actually a very good student.  I've decided this because I could be a lot better.  I suppose I'll try to pay attention in class more and maybe that will help!  After that I just have to get all my schedule figured out with when I'm supposed to study and do homework.  I don't like homework taking over my life, makes me angry.  Hold on, I'm really hungry and need to go eat breakfast...

...Later that evening...

Since this is my blog, I get to bitch on it all I want.  That's nice because I'm pretty sure my friends get tired of it.  I am exhausted.  I am also unsure of how I am going to get through the day tomorrow.  I suppose I could make a quick list of everything I have to do/worry about.

To Do/Worry

  • Compilers project 2
  • Spanish Reading & Grammar composition
  • Spanish Reading & Grammar homework
  • Spanish Conversation & Phonetics homework
  • Car insurance/lawyer/medical bills
  • Lockheed Martin (call back)
  • Resume (update)
  • Fix printer network
  • Make packing list
  • Prepare for Graphics test
  • Prepare for Compilers test
  • Prepare for Spanish Reading & Grammar test


If anyone has any survival tips, they are more than welcome!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I haven't been very good about blogging lately, which is probably ok since I currently live with most of my loyal readers.  Either way, let's take a look at how my life is going, shall we?

This semester I'm taking 4.5 credits.  I'm in Graphics, Compilers, Spanish Reading & Grammar, Spanish Conversation & Phonetics, Aerobic Conditioning Super Circuit, and French horn lessons.  Whew, talk about a full course load.  Everything seems to be going reasonably well so far.  That's pretty exciting for me.

When I say going well, I mean I'm not failing anything yet.  I feel like I don't understand a lot of what I'm supposed to be learning, which is very frustrating.  I skipped my PE class this morning because I was just too tired.  I started write this post two days ago and I was in a much better mood then.

Per my usual self, I'm way too involved in things and probably doing way too much!  I have WiCS/ITAP, ACM, DG, Rugby, WGRE, and the CS House which is an activity just trying to cook dinner!  I'm always exhausted (and now bruised, thanks to rugby).

Really Cool Stuff
I'm not exactly attached to DePauw as a school.  I'm much more attached to the parts of DePauw I believe in, like the CS Dept., WiCS, and ITAP (even though ITAP is a catastrophic program right now, it has amazing potential).  I don't plan on going to my graduation because I'm hoping to be going on a rafting trip down the Grand Canyon.  Let's talk about incredible for a moment, shall we?  Yeah.

I think over the next couple days I'm going to focus on writing down what I want.  I have a general idea of what I want in life and what I want to be.  But that's all it is, an idea.  When I think of it, it is just a feeling I get.  Sometimes there's a nice video playing of what I'm doing on a random Tuesday and sometimes there's a choice word that describes that one instant.  But I'm not sure how to express it in words and full sentences.  I need to write it out in a manner that I can make mini goals or at least figure out what can be done now to move along to the future goals.  Then I get to figure out how much money that costs.  That should be lots of fun!

That was a fun update and I hope that I can remember to continue blogging since I like to keep a record of my life so I can go back, read it later, and wonder what on earth I was thinking.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I attempted to buy a planner today; that failed miserably.  I know exactly what I want out of a planner and how I'd like it laid out.  In fact, I even found the perfect one, but it was for 2009 and not 2008.  I don't understand why planners for 2009 are being sold with 4 months left in 2008.  I'd like the Moleskine Weekly Planner (horizontal).  I don't like the one that's combined with a notebook because the entire week is only one page with lines on the other side.  One page is not enough space for me to plan my week.  I'd really like to have a soft cover planner, but I think the one I want only comes in a hard cover.  I'm most certainly willing to give on this point for the correct lay out (and year)!  I'm thinking I could get a Moleskine for 2009 and until then use a small pocket calendar.  The problem with this is that I make lists.  Lots of lists.  On post-it notes.  The post-it notes go in the planner where I look everyday.  This means the planner has to be bigger and a couple of post-it notes.

I just don't want to use the planner I had last year.  For one, I'd like a slimmer planner.  For another, there are some sketchy memories associated with that planner and I don't want them to surface every time I check my schedule.  Plus, Bryan's number is still in the back of the planner and I don't want to be toting that around with me.  I'm afraid I would be tempted to call it.  I almost called him twice this summer.  That would have been horrid.  I did email him a funny youtube video I thought he would like.  It was of Frank Caliendo, we used to watch him a lot.  He wrote back a short "Thank you" email.  His signature said M.S.  I can't remember what topic.  This weird feeling of rage boiled up inside of me, so I think it would be best to put the planner away.  I'm not as angry as I was, but sometimes I get real touchy about it.  I still can't listen to the Finger 11 song.  And I actually liked that song too.  There's this hot, boiling feeling in my chest when I think about it.  It truly feels like the temperature rises in my chest.  Not very comfortable.  Oh well.  At least I don't get these angry feelings about Nick.  Thankfully he proved that he is too stupid to waste any sort of feeling on other than pure pity for such foolishness.  Haha.  Laughing out loud (really).

I'm going to go make a to-do list on some post-its for tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll get half of the stuff done.  Hopefully.