Thursday, September 27, 2007

Moving Patterns

You know when you play Guitar Hero for a really long time and then you look at something and it starts moving. And how it's so much worse if that thing is patterned, like a wall or carpet or something. I just had one of those moments on this couch. It was kind of scary.

I might take a nap before my 2 o'clock starts. Radio show tomorrow.

I wish a lot of things, a lot of the time. Here's one I wish always. I wish people were always honest. It would be so nice if people could just be honest with things as they come up and say how they feel about it. Either there is an explanation they didn't know, or I can fix it and then everyone's happy.

Seriously, that way fights would be fewer and farther between. And the fights that did happen would be way better. I know this doesn't sound like me on a usual day, but I'm emotionally worn out. I'm just done. My favorite fight happened the other night. Someone yelled at me (they were being honest, so it was ok), then I left for a little bit, then they apologized and then I fixed the problem and it's all ok. It was spectacular. I hardly had to say anything. I think it would be so nice if everyone were honest. *sigh*

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