Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Purple, Again

I have been very busy. I have seven post-its left...that's how busy I've been.

I like helping people with homework, it makes me feel needed and useful.

I love being busy though, not too busy, but just right. That way everything gets done and I don't waste time. Unfortunately, being busy makes me a little moody, much less nice, and very on edge. This makes me take frustration and sleep deprivation on my friends, who really don't deserve that at all.

My computer still feels like it's out of commission. I'll be spending most of my weekend working with it. I've been virtually living out of the CS Student Lounge for the sole purpose of using the computers in there. I just remembered the other day that I completely wiped all my bookmarks; it made me sad.

I think I'm going to put Ashley on the Linux project after we get it started. I need to e-mail Gloria some questions about it and I'll also send some e-mails to Doug, Brian, and Ron. Hopefully we can get started on it this weekend. I should probably tell Ashley we're doing that this weekend, haha. Maybe she'll read this and get the hint : )

I've decided I'm going to like purple. I am going to like the color purple. I've been trying to enforce this new mantra by using my purple felt-tip pen a lot and by setting my aim text colors to purple. I think it's going pretty well so far.

I think that's it for now. Have a great Wednesday!!

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