Monday, November 12, 2007

Internet = Life Essential

I'm very happy to be back to doing things. I have a to do list all ready for me to tackle and homework that's just waiting to be finished! Isn't it exciting?!? OK, while you may not find it all that exciting, I'm quite content with being busy and riduculously scheduled.

I'm currently very upset about my linux os and I would like it off of my computer. It's not recognizing my wireless card and I've followed instructions, so I'm a little peeved about it. Any os is rendered completely useless to me if there is no internet.

Thankfully my parents seem to be in support of my building my technology book collection. This means they get to go to Borders with me and sit in the technology section for a really long time while I look at books they have no clue about and then I get to try to explain it to them and they wind up even more confused. Book life is good. Linux life is bad. Post-it life is good. Figuring out summer life is bad.

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