Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"Wild Honey"

Life seems to be going really well. I've worked a lot of stuff out.

I'm on hold at my doctor's office to see if I need a referral for my surgery that I'm getting today. I guess I'll do it either way since it's already scheduled. It doesn't hurt that much right now, but the pain from Friday to Saturday was way too much for me to go through again and come out without committing any felonies.

I have an urge to cook things. I think I'll make dinner when I go home tonight. Maybe I'll call Mom and see if I can use the Target card for grocery shopping. Plus I'll get to see Deb. And the new everything my parents got! I heard huge widescreen monitor. I'm flipping jealous. And Dad got a Sony Vaio. Basically, Mom is amazing and my parents rock my world.

So...Friday the iPhone comes out. I'm feeling some testing at Cingular. Just to see if I like it more than my Blackjack.

In the meantime, I have this thing with naming my posts song titles. I think that's really all the news I have for right now.

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