Friday, June 22, 2007


I am in lots and lots of pain. I played in the rain and I stubbed my toe on the stairs coming back inside. This action pushed the already ingrown nail further into the skin causing it to bleed. This has caused me lots and lots of pain. So much pain, that I have taken 2 ibuprofen. In normal situations, such as when I'm sick, I only take medication if I'm dying. I have a high tolerance for pain. I know this from shots, infected cysts, huge blisters that cause the feeling of knives in the soles of my feet, along with numerous other injuries. I was attempting to go to sleep, but instead was brought to tears from pain. This is not good. So, I don't plan on sleeping and I will be driving to Lafayette around 7 am to hopefully make an appointment with a podiatrist. It's funny, I had an ingrown toe nail surgically removed a little over a year ago...from the same toe. This time, the nail is coming out from the root. It will be more painful and it will take longer to heal, but hopefully the ingrown toe nail won't come back. I asked last time if the nail was going to be ingrown again and I was reassured that it wouldn't be. Lies. Lies that cause pain. Physical pain.

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