Thursday, March 27, 2008


The plane I was on from Dulles to Binghamton was taxiing because we were waiting to get on the runway to take off. On my left was a small forest-type thing of trees. Suddenly there was an airplane fin emerging from the top of the trees. So there was another runway over there. A Southwest plane was going rather slowly, so it wasn't taking off yet. It was really looked some giant thing behind the trees. I could only see the fin and not the whole plane. It reminded me of the Ents from Lord of the Rings. Not the Ents in the movie, but the Ents I imagined. Then I got to thinking about how many things are bigger than people. We make so much stuff that's bigger than any human. I was just thinking it's kind of amazing. At some point, all this bigger-than-us stuff had to be put together. Probably by machines that are bigger than us too. And the machines had to be put together.

Anyway, I've decided I need to start writing in this little blog perhaps more often. I want my writing to reflect who I am. So that if someone is reading it, they understand me: my characteristics, my likes, dislikes, etc. Of course this is going to take some work and I'm not sure if I want to put that much work into writing. I mostly use this as a place to collect my thoughts and write them out so I can then mentally organize them. Or as a place to vent. And I guess so I don't have to repeat a story four times, I can just tell someone to go read my blog. Hmm.

Day .5-Day1
Everything seems to be going fine. We watched...what did we watch? Oh right, Pirates of Caribbean 3 and we ate Fritos. Good times. This morning we went to Wal-Mart because I wanted different pillows. He only has 2! Not acceptable in my life. I'm not really sure what we're going tonight. I might suggest we go to a movie. I think tomorrow night we're hanging with some of his friends, but I have no idea. I have seriously conflicted thoughts about video games.

In other news, I've decided to give myself a week and then just get over it. I'm not really sure what to do about facebook though. I wasn't on my account and my friends weren't on my account, so nothing happened from my end. Overall, I feel pretty torn. I know if this had happened to one of my friends, instead of me, I'd tell them to hurry up and get over it. So I think that's what I'm going to do. The person who would usually tell me that and I aren't really on great speaking terms. So that makes it difficult, since I don't take seriously what I tell myself. So...Malisa, Ashley, or Jesse, if you could tell me to hurry up and get over it because I'm being a killjoy and a grumpy Gus, I'd appreciate it.

I think I've written enough for right now. Let's see how tomorrow goes : )

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