Monday, March 31, 2008


Things I wish could be changed:

*The links across the top of my iGoogle page. The links that are there aren't very relevant to my main Google account and I wish I could customize them so Calendar and Groups showed up across the top instead of, say Mail and News.

*In Google Calendar I wish I could condense shared calendars into one color or link those calendars to one I already have created. Take for example Ashley's schedule: I already had a color for Ashley where I kept her classes, Pep band, and ITAP stuff. She recently shared all of her calenders with me. That's four calendars now instead of one. I want to be able to put all of those events onto one calendar since I don't need them separate, I just need to know when she's busy. I'd love to do that with Danielle's and Malisa's schedules as well. **Or as Ashley had the idea to group the calendars under one heading and click just that heading to turn the calendars on or off.

I talked to Dave today about my senior project. I needed confirmation that I should take graphics and that I should take senior projects in the spring. I also ran my idea past him and he said it's a good idea. I need to focus it on one aspect of the interface to keep it manageable. I wish I had all the time in the world to do the whole thing. That would make me happy. As it is, I'm quite happy with Dave liking my project idea. And that I've taken or am planning to take all the classes that he recommended. Yay. Now I have to think about next semester. Do I want to take Compliers or Databases? Dave is teaching Compilers and Brian is teaching Databases. I guess I'll have to stop by again to talk to Dave tomorrow. Ashley is taking both, so either way, I'd have her with me which is good. I hope Jesse takes Graphics. I'm going to finish my To Do Lists and hopefully try to cross some things off.

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