Monday, April 21, 2008


Must get more sleep. Damn it. I love the roller-coasters I go on through out the day. There's that huge low at one point where everything that I think is going wrong converges in one moment and I feel like shit. And there's the late night stuff where I actually do work, accomplish shit, and re-plan my life every night. Ok, maybe not every night. But I'm constantly thinking about it. I just have a lot of thoughts about the future of my life that I still need to write down. And a lot of things that I still need to do, but I think I'm going to go to bed instead and I'll try to do them all tomorrow sometime before 4, which is when something starts but I'd have to look at my planner/Google Calendar to figure out what. And that UOAH fire thing. I should send out e-mails tomorrow. And check out Sam's Club. And hope Marques got back to me. That would be spectacular. I'd would truly welcome such a fabulous break.

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