Sunday, April 6, 2008


Communication is so difficult. Especially when it doesn't happen face to face. Jesse thought that I had blogged about him in a less than stellar way which led to a misunderstanding that was greater (though not cataclysmic) than it should have been. Everything is fine now, but it just goes to show the nuances of human communication. I like to think that I'm honest enough with people that they should always hear things from me and not have to read about them on my blog for the first time. I try really hard to keep to that since I just keep this to complement my life, I guess. I use it organize my thoughts or to write something down so I can forget about it, knowing that I've already written it down.

I've realized there are things that no one knows about me. Little habits that no one picks up on. They aren't things that are a secret, but I'm not going to tell you what they are. *bubble laugh* Of course everyone has secrets that only they know, but sometimes that's not out of secrecy as it is out of forgetfulness. There really isn't a reason to tell everyone you're entire past when just letting them know what you did yesterday is just fine. It's interesting that even I forget my own secrets sometimes. It's hard to remember a whole life!!

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