Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Love Handwriting

I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile.  A couple weeks ago, I was updating my Senior Project Proposal.  I didn’t have a printer handy, so I actually wrote out the bullet points of what I wanted to change.  I looked at it, edited it, and then wrote out the finished product.  I loved doing that!  I realized that I loved seeing my own handwriting.  No one else writes exactly like me.

That’s why handwritten notes are so special.  They are unique and they have the writer’s signature all over it!  I’ve been writing things by hand much more frequently lately.  For several reasons really, but one of them is that I spend a lot of time at a computer and it’s nice to remember what my handwriting looks like.  Plus, I think it’s fun to match up someone’s handwriting with their personality.  I’ve done it with most of my close friends, and it’s kind of funny how I connect them and their handwriting!

Handwriting has this special quality that makes it so personable and I think that’s been lost with the advent of computers, email, and text messages.  The personality that comes through handwriting is so unique.

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