Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Milk and Twitter

I think my title is misleading.  It sort of looks like I screwed up “milk and cookies” by substituting Twitter.  Food is actually not the subject of this post.

Last night I saw Milk.  Sean Penn won an Oscar for Best Actor in Milk.  Milk is about the later life of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office and a gay activist.  Milk is a beautiful movie that tells a tragic story in the most uplifting way.  While I was watching it, I hurt.  My very core was in pain.  The idea that we must categorize people and put them in labeled boxes and then proceed to deny them certain rights disgusted me.

I was feeling pretty off after the movie.  I think it was a tragedy-stricken mood to think that people are still struggling for rights that I think are basic, and as such I take for granted.  It just seems like such a big job, taking on society.  So I left the movie feeling like something must be done, but I had no idea what could be done or where to even start!  *Side note: My favorite movies are the ones that drive me to take action outside of the theater*  With this lost feeling of wanting to do something, I sent a Tweet saying I’d seen Milk and I just don’t know what to do next.  Caitlin replied to me saying I should get involved with United DePauw and a great way to start would be speaker on Thursday evening.

I’m going to go see Annie Sprinkle tomorrow night.  It’s not going to change the world, but it’s going to show support, give me another perspective, and I’ll be involved.

Main ideas:
1.  I really liked Milk and I recommend it.
2.  I love that I have friends that can help me and give me relevant information.

1 comment:

cvn said...

im so excited that you're coming! i get to pick her up from the aiport tonight! im super stoked