Friday, May 18, 2007


I'm done with school for three whole months!!! Talk about happy! I have some cute stories, but I'm about to go to bed. I packed all my bedding, so Bryan is being a doll and letting me crash at his "place" for the night. And he was all, "No no, I'll sleep on the couch" cute. Personally, I'm making the argument that I'm not a student right now since I'm not paying tuition! But in reality I have about week because next Sunday I'm back at DePauw working for them and that would be bad in general. Seriously though, I'm horny and I haven't seen Enrique in weeks since I really haven't had time. We all know how that throws off my life.

That was lots of sharing, I know. But at this point, I figure everyone is used to it. And since I'll be living with some of you this'd better get used to it, hehe!

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