Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"I've got to admit it's getting better..."

"...a little better all the time."

Seriously, it is. "I think I'll go for a walk." "I feel happy." Really, I do feel happy. Thanks, Monty Python. And I'm's freezing in Julian. But wait, I have a blanket in the CS lounge, yummy.

OK, in the CS lounge and under a blanket. But I really do feel happy. I don't like it when I'm angry; I'm actually a naturally happy person. When I feel angry I feel exhausted. But some anger you just can't get rid of by sleeping it off.

Cleansed and purged...nice feelings. Still cold. Exhausted, but not from anger, just stress. I want ... something. I don't know what I want. All my friends want to go home and that's all they want to do right now and I'm not like that. Where I'm living at any one moment is home. I guess when I'm in Greencastle and I say I want to go home I mean West Lafayette and vice versa.

I just don't know what to do at home. I feel so disconnected when I'm there. I didn't keep up with a lot of my high school friends because a lot of it was so fake. So, when I came to DePauw I decided to just be me and be real. I wasn't coming here with the rest of my class (a la Purdue or IU) so it was a good chance to start over and find people who were real. Given, there were 5 people from high school that were coming here, but I wasn't good friends with any of them, except Diddy, so it was ok if I completely changed.

OK, so I think I just became delirious and I don't like it. I think I need to sleep before studying. I come!

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