Saturday, June 20, 2009


WOOT!  I have a condo and it’s beautiful!  I signed the lease on Wednesday night.  My landlord, well more of “landfamily,” is great!  The husband is a part-time CFO of a software company that does some work with Lockheed, so he knows a lot of people that work there.  He said he would do some introductions.  The wife is absolutely adorable, she loves to dance and I’m quite sure she makes her husband do yoga with her!

I’m so happy that so far everything has worked out.  When I was coming out to Denver, I had chosen two apartment complexes to visit, but I really wanted to rent a condo.  There would be a mix of owners and renters and the neighborhood would probably be kept in better shape and it would probably be quieter!  Plus, the general idea would be that a leasing office for a condo would be nicer to deal with than one at a large apartment complex.  In a beautiful twist, I’m renting from a private owner, which is possibly the best case!

I can’t wait to move out here, buy furniture, kitchen stuff, a huge TV, other stuff I want to own!  Anyway, here are loads of pictures of my condo, I though a virtual tour was in order!

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