Friday, January 2, 2009

My what big teeth you have

The other day, I suppose it was Day Six, we went to the beach and had a bbq with Chris and her family.PICT3379  Chris is on the right in this picture, she’s in a school uniform, Deb is a mad scientist!  Anyway, we’re getting out of the car at the beach and unloading things from the trunk and Chris looks at me says, “You have such white teeth!”  What a compliment!  Truly one of the best!  I guess she used to be a dentist, so that makes sense.  I was quite pleased with myself (and my teeth)!!

The bbq was really fun.  There is a public bbq so we had to wait in line to use it.  The people before us had some young women using it who had no idea what they were doing and just couldn’t press the button at the right time to keep the surface warm enough to do any grilling.  It was very frustrating for our hungry party!  Thankfully, when we were using it, we knew exactly what we were doing.  Of course when I say we, I mean Greg and Simon, Chris’s husband.  They bonded with the guys next to them by offering them some homebrew ginger beer.  It was really quite cute!

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